Adjusting Hanger Distribution Settings
In the Adjust Settings region on the right side of the dialog, you can adjust current setting in detail:
Consider the following options for defining the Hanger Distribution:
- Select the Hanger drop-down to select for hanger to use for corresponding Setting Condition.
- Note: User needs to assign Service to the Setting* first to see valid Hanger selections
- Adjust the Host Size<=(in) for the maximum host size the current Setting Condition applies to
- Adjust the Spacing (ft) for distance between hangers.
- Adjust the Dist. From Fitting (in) for the hanger placement from the angled fittings.
- Adjust the Dist. From Joint (in) for the hanger placement from the straight joints.
- Adjust the Distance From Ends for the hanger placement from both ends of the entire selected hanger host run.
- Check the boxes of Support before/after joints and Support before/after fittings for additional support next to a straight joint or angled joint.
- Check the box of Adjust Last Hanger to determine style of overall hanger distance distribution
- Note: This features is selected by default
- Check the box for Attach to Structure if you want the hanger rods to be attached to structural elements above.
- Note: This only works for fabrication hangers and only detects local structural elements not the ones in linked Revit documents.
- Check the box for Place Points to place location points at the top of the rods; Select point families to use in the drop-down
- Note: This only works for fabrication hangers.
- All units used in the Hanger Distribution Settings dialog are in IMPERIAL units at this time.